Americans Weigh In On Biden’s Biggest Failures: “I Can’t Even Go Down The List”

Americans Weigh In On Biden’s Biggest Failures: “I Can’t Even Go Down The List”

Comments made in a Fox News Digital video posted on 4/28/23

Greatest failure closing down the Pipeline on day one Say when they brought the troops back From From Mercedes they handled that A man in hindsight the pulling out of Afghanistan could have gone smoother and Generally speaking for the country he's Failing our country Um I can't even go down the list we got Inflation unemployment prices housing I Mean homelessness just it's just the sad State that from three years ago uh four Years ago whatever the case the Country's done a total 180 like a light Switch and I'm a realtor by trade and The interest rates doubling has just Blown out the housing market for anybody Unaffordable closing down our energy Production that's what I think is the Biggest failure because that raised the Cost of every single thing we do Come in here and everything is just more Expensive because of what they've done We have the energy why don't we use Inflation the Border [Music] Information He never followed through on Happily Happen with student loans there's There's other issues too everything And I just believe that oh the list is Too long and I'm I'm Union and I'm on Volunteers we got to set up I don't have

That kind of

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About the Author: Roaldo

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