“Biden’s Border Nightmare: SHOCKING Record High Numbers

"Biden's Border Nightmare: SHOCKING Record High Numbers

This is a disaster propagated by Biden and the radical Left—one that has exposed Americans to terrorist threats, a high influx of lethal drugs, and more.

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What's worse than a Friday night news Dump a Saturday news dump that's why the Biden Administration finally reported Its September border numbers 3 weeks Late in September CBP encountered over 341,000 inadmissible aliens Nationwide Beating their August record of over 304,000 September closed out the federal Government's fiscal year during which Over 3.2 million inadmissible aliens Were encountered beating fisal year 2022 Is record of over 2.7 million to put That in perspective that's about the Size of the entire population of Nevada The grand total of encountered Inadmissible aliens while Joe Biden has Been in the White House is over 7.6 Million add to that number another 1.6 Million known Goda ways or legal aliens Who purposely evaded the border patrol a New leaked Memo from cbp's San Diego Field office Intelligence Division warns Of potential encounters with terrorists From Hamas Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Holah America cannot manage more numbers Of aliens no matter where they're from And we certainly do not need more terror Threats

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About the Author: Roaldo

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