Popular Sovereignty: The U.S.-U.K. Special Relationship in the Age of Trump, Farage, and Brexit

Popular Sovereignty: The U.S.-U.K. Special Relationship in the Age of Trump, Farage, and Brexit

The U.K. Conservative Party was swept from power this month in its worst election defeat. Some have suggested that they may never recover and that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in British politics. Professional pollster and GB News broadcaster…

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Proof of Life?

Proof of Life?

Just asking for a friend. 👀

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Blame Biden for Inflation (Not Businesses)

Blame Biden for Inflation (Not Businesses)

Biden will blame inflation on anything and anyone other than the true culprit: out-of-control government spending. E.J. Antoni explains the truth about inflation. 👇 If a yard stick were to shrink to just 30 in it would take 120 yards…

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We Have to Fight for America

We Have to Fight for America

“We have to fight for the United States of America.” NEW on “The Kevin Roberts Show”: Watch Dr. Kevin Roberts’ full speech at NatCon4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeyLOTqbzF4 You might even say accounting for the Institution building that natcon is Leading that we're…

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2024 Transition Integrity Project Rollout Event

2024 Transition Integrity Project Rollout Event

In June, the 2024 Transition Integrity Project (TIP 2024) ran a series of academic exercises in which experts in government, politics, law, media, intelligence, and academia played roles in scenarios designed to expose possible threats to the upcoming presidential election…

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MSNBC Hosts PANIC Over Heritage President Correctly Referring To Illegal Aliens As Illegal Aliens

MSNBC Hosts PANIC Over Heritage President Correctly Referring To Illegal Aliens As Illegal Aliens

Yes, MSNBC, they’re illegal aliens. What do you tell the parents of those People those young girls who were killed This is the preponderance of these People but what is the difference Between an an illegal immigrant who Unfortunately engages…

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Biden Can't Erase Female Athletes

Biden Can’t Erase Female Athletes

Biden’s Title IX rewrite is trying to end women’s sports and erase female athletes. We won’t let that happen. #SaveWomensSports I was a student athlete I was a student Athlete I was a student athlete but Thanks to the Biden…

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Coming to a School Near You: Biden's New Title IX Rule Puts Women, Children, Parents, and Free Sp…

Coming to a School Near You: Biden’s New Title IX Rule Puts Women, Children, Parents, and Free Sp…

The Biden administration has just released a devastating new federal rule that is going to impact millions of Americans. By manipulating Title IX – the one-sentence law prohibiting sex discrimination in education – to include sexual orientation and gender identity,…

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Protect Women and Girls from Biden Admin Rule: LIVE from The Supreme Court

Protect Women and Girls from Biden Admin Rule: LIVE from The Supreme Court

Join The Heritage Foundation, state school superintendents, parental rights advocates, and student-athletes in front of the Supreme Court and call out the Biden administration’s devastating new federal rule that will impact millions of Americans. This manipulation of Title IX—the one-sentence…

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Biden Breaking The Law AGAIN For More Illegal Immigration

Biden Breaking The Law AGAIN For More Illegal Immigration

President Biden announced yesterday that he is breaking the law AGAIN to create a mass amnesty program. Instead of securing the border, he’s rewarding half a million illegals with a pathway to citizenship, and incentivizing more illegal immigration. Here’s how:…

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