Democrat Rep Pramila Jayapal Disputes Hamas Broke Ceasefire Agreement: “It’s Very, Very Complicated”

Democrat Rep Pramila Jayapal Disputes Hamas Broke Ceasefire Agreement: “It’s Very, Very Complicated”

Footage Uploaded 12/4/23

You said it worked yes there were Hostages who were released but it wasn't Even an actual uh hard ceasefire they Were just trying to get another day and Hamas wouldn't comply so what makes you Think that Hamas would comply with a Longer term ceasefire well I think this Is all about negotiation Qatar has been Incredibly helpful here it's not clear To me from the reporting um who was to Blame for uh you don't believe the US The Biden Administration that Hamas well I just think it's very complicated I Think it's very very complicated um it's It's not we don't have all the Information in front of us we uh Obviously can you know can rely on some Statements that are made but I think That in these negotiations everybody Wants something and I think katar has Said that Hamas is still at the table Israel should still be at the table

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About the Author: Roaldo

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