Jean-Pierre: No Comment On IRS Whistleblower Alleging Interference In Hunter Biden Investigation

Jean-Pierre: No Comment On IRS Whistleblower Alleging Interference In Hunter Biden Investigation

Comments made on 4/20/23.

An IRS supervisory special agent are Reporting is is now claiming to have Information about alleged mishandling And political interference in the Ongoing criminal probe of Hunter Biden Is seeking that person is seeking Whistleblower protection to share Information with Congress according to This letter obtained by CNN our Sarah Murray just gave our viewers that Reporting and I just wonder if the white House has a comment We're right now as you know we've been Very clear to not comment on anything uh Related to any type of investigation so That is something that we have been very Very diligent about and referring any uh Referring that to Department of Justice

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About the Author: Roaldo


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