Kamala Harris Claims They’re “Attempting To Fix” Border As More Illegal Aliens Cross Than Ever

Kamala Harris Claims They're "Attempting To Fix" Border As More Illegal Aliens Cross Than Ever

Comments made on 4/21/23.

In less than three weeks uh title 42 Will expire and already there is reports That there is thousands of migrants Waiting at the border we also have Reports that the cvp1 app is not working And according to the U.S customs they Are expecting at least 10 000 migrants Every day at the border how are you Getting ready for that So you probably know that under the Prior Administration they essentially Dismantled The system It and broke it and we have been since We came in office attempting to fix it In a number of ways which includes more Judges more Personnel making sure that We secure the Border but that we have Also an immigration system that is fair And humane And when we think about the lifting of Title 42 that priority is going to Continue

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About the Author: Roaldo


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