Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: “China Is Running This White House”

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "China Is Running This White House"

Comments made on 4/30/23

We need to remember that it's Joe Biden And I think the voters feel that they Feel that angst and they say that to me All the time we need part of unity we Need to bring everybody together because What what they're doing to our country Is frightening we're not going to have The America we know and love if this Continues if they stack the Supreme Court if they get rid of the filibuster If they abandon energy Independence if They're so beholden to China I mean look At China's running this White House in a Lot of ways China is the reason fentanyl Is coming across our border China is Taking our kids data on Tick Tock we Sold our strategic petroleum reserves to China this is an Administration that is More China first than America First and The American people want a president who Cares about them

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About the Author: Roaldo

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