BIDENOMICS: Gas Prices, Debt, Consumer Costs, Mortgage Rates Up, Real Wages Down Under Biden

BIDENOMICS: Gas Prices, Debt, Consumer Costs, Mortgage Rates Up, Real Wages Down Under Biden

Footage Aired 12/4/23

With less than one year until the 2024 Presidential election Democrats are now Ditching the term bionomics as the Economy under Biden faces increased Criticism take a look at these numbers Since the president took office consumer Prices are up better than 177% gasoline price is up better than 35% credit card debt is up better than 40% wages meanwhile are down nearly 3% The Wall Street Journal writes the President continues to boast about jobs Because it paints a better picture for Him despite Americans caring more about Inflation and prices at the cash Register they're still up above 3%

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About the Author: Roaldo

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