Can Executive Action Close The Southern Border? Mayorkas: *Dodges Question*

Can Executive Action Close The Southern Border? Mayorkas: *Dodges Question*

Comments made on 5/17/24

So let's suppose the legislation that Didn't pass uh maybe eventually it'll Pass but until then can you not Administratively do things that was in The legislation or are you already doing Those things some some the Legislation um did a number of things um The two pillars were it gave us the Legal tools statuto statutory tools to Vastly accelerate the adjudication of Claims for humanitarian relief And that means we could remove people More quickly who do not qualify and Quite frankly we could give protection With finality to people who do much more Rapidly and it resourced us it resourced Us to effect that dramatic change we Were talking about a legis piece of Legislation uh that would um equip us With 4,300 more Asylum officers more Immigration judges just plus up the Entire System in a way that we U now just don't Have

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About the Author: Roaldo

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