City employee James Quincy Transit lines harassment on my own property.

City employee James Quincy Transit lines harassment on my own property.

2176176538 here are some public information to send him personal complaints think of it like How’s my driving

Getting ready to go down to the garage Down there record Down to the main Barn Yep I knew I already knew you’re working for Marty the whole time I already knew I Worked for the city yeah you worked for Me too you I keep you know for a city Right you’re a city official You work you work for tax dollars you Know yeah I know a lot better than you Huh Who pays the government Federal tax dollars you’re gonna look Stupid on the internet dude Distracting uh you’re just sitting here But you’re a city worker what I’m doing Is lawful Correct you have the right but just hold It sideways you get a better angle that Way Yeah Conversation Over have a good day your Public information is going to be on the Internet all of it yep I’m gonna protest Outside your house too I am and I can do That because I have the right to do that It’s not a threat I am protesting Because you work for the city you too And I recorded the same things Everything you have so better match up With what I have it will okay have a Good day James God bless you Yep

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About the Author: Roaldo

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