Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Biden Wants To “Make Sure We Get Something Done” On Southern Border

Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Biden Wants To "Make Sure We Get Something Done" On Southern Border

Comments made on 1/25/24

Democrats are saying the president needs To federalize uh the Texas National Guard so look something that could Happen I mean look I'll say this uh you Know the border patrol agents are now as You said allowed to cut through the wire Because of what the Supreme Court has Laid out it's it's unfortunate that we Had to go there it's unfortunate that There is a governor in Texas governor Abbott who has politicized this issue of What's happening on the border and it's Not making people's lives safer it's Actually making it harder for law Enforcement at the at the border to do Their job and so we have been very clear We want to make sure we get something Done at the border that's why we've been Having these conversation with Senate Republicans and democrats for the past Several weeks to come up with a Bipartisan agreement to deal with the Border

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About the Author: Roaldo

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