UCLA student rips university for handling of encampment: ‘Doing absolutely nothing’

UCLA student rips university for handling of encampment: 'Doing absolutely nothing'

Campus Reform Correspondent Justin Choi joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss his take on the anti-Israel encampment and why he sympathizes with Jewish students who do not feel safe on campus. #FoxNews

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Let's bring in campus reform Correspondent and UCLA student Justin Choy Justin what's your reaction to What's unfolding on your campus right Now yeah so I was there last night at The UCL protest at around 11:30 p.m. Prime Time and the first thing I heard Was I heard protesters scream UCLA Divest The River To The Sea antifa keep His eying this out and I heard a lot of These Pro palan protesters first of all They're planning how to keep these Students and even UCLA students out from Entering their encampment um and I was Able to hear this because I was at my Scooter and I was in front of the Barrier and I heard these students Talking about that and there's also one Guy who was carrying a huge wooden stick Um I guess sort of in a way to exert Power um and you know a lot of people I've spoke to not just students but also Adults around the campus are they're Very scared right now to go around and You know cuz a lot of these people are Kind of are giving them a hard time with Whether or not you're trying to get to Class and or not let's talk about the Breakdown of students and I'm not Looking for exact number numb it's Really a guesstimate but what percentage Would you say of your fellow UCLA Students and there are tens of thousands Of them support the protest that you're

Seeing on campus right Now I think it's around I think it's Around 40% if I being completely honest It's probably 40 to 50% and I think a Lot of the people who are supporting um These whole movement this whole movement Is maybe half of them are actually for Palestine but I think a lot of them are Also in this because of the trends we Were seeing on Tik Tok right me we saw What happened in the 2020 BLM riots Right A lot of these people kind of saw What was happening and what was trending On Tik Tok and on social media so they Decided to go out and protest so I think A lot that a lot of that has to do with That but I also do believe a large Crunch of them is also out there because They genuinely believe that um Palestine Is under attack can you believe that This encampment is still standing 24 Hours after the riot broke Out what are your thoughts on Co the College administration and how their Handling all of This no yeah it's still crazy I think UCLA has been very weak with dealing With the protesters because buildings Have been graffitied and it's disrupting With students and classes and regular Students who want to enter a building um I know you guys had a a Jewish student On a couple days ago but he was not able To enter a building because they were

Not because just because he was Jewish Right and so UCLA should be doing a lot Better and when violence happened last Night with um the pro during the protest Last night around 1:00 a.m. it took LAPD Around three three more hours after the Whole event for them to even come in so I think UCLA should have done a much Better job in stopping this to begin With and also one of our own reporters a Daily Bru report was attacked for no Reason and you know and I think that's Because UCLA was doing absolutely Nothing and to that point there have Been calls for Chancellor Jean block to Resign but you have to understand how The UC system works yes there's some man In charge in this case Jee block but They're also the Regents and and Justin I have not heard a thing from them have You I have not either um we just got a Statement from the chancellor this Afternoon around 300 p.m. Prime uh Pacific time and so and that was kind of Late in my opinion that was honestly Around 24 hours after the whole violence Broke out last night um around Roa so The chancellor has been complacent it's Been taking him so long for him to even Issue a statement and I heard nothing From the region as well wow well well we Just saw somebody holding a banner that Said a UCLA faculty we stand with our Students and that it's in the encampment

As police are potentially closing in on This thing what's your experience with The professors what has that been Like yes so I do know that a lot of the Pro uh the professors are out there Supporting the prop pality and um side But even before that a lot of the Professors here are you know I wouldn't Say a large portion of them but a few of Them definitely have their own agendas When it comes to um indoctrinating Children indoctrinating college students Um and so it's really not a surprise to See some college professors out there But I hope that um things will get Settled down pretty quickly wow okay but Justin once this is over how do you and More importantly how do your fellow Jewish students go back into a classroom With one of these professors because This goes well beyond oh I have to take A class with a professor who doesn't Share my point of view that's what College is supposed to be you're Supposed to learn from Divergent points Of view these professors are advocating At the end of the day for violence so How can you head into a classroom with Professor X in a couple of weeks if if Not next semester and and learn from This Individual no absolutely and if Jewish Students later on in the future are Scared I absolutely sympathize with them

But I think what the university needs to Do is they need to be more strict um Whether it's law enforcement or whether It's their own policies UCLA needs to be Strict in terms of how they deal with These people um and everyone has a right To free speech everyone has a right to Protest but people who actively call for Violence people who are out there Saying stuff like intifa you know UCL Has to be stronger and stricter and show The world and just show to our students That we cannot stand for that I think That's an important First Step that you Must take and just to get a sense of What these protesters believe in what They want they they've released a list Of Demands they're demands include Divestment withdraw all UC wide and UCLA Foundation fronts from companies and Institutions that are complicit in the Israeli occupation those those are their Words disclose provide full transparency To all about Investments donations and Grants and then their last demand Justin Is abolish policing and the targeted Repression and policing of pro Palestinian advocacy on campus so Yesterday this is according to Bill Maluan our our reporter Who's down there Among the protest right now he said the Anti-israel protesters at UCLA just held A press conference where they said that They were victims of a life-threatening

Assault at the hands of Zionist last Night they complained that police didn't Do enough to intervene however their Demands include abolishing police what's Your reaction to That yeah I was just talking about it With some people around me um but Earlier today in the afternoon actually The pro Palestinian protesters held a Press conference asking why there Weren't enough police presence and that The police should have done more to Ensure violence than not her but that's Kind of funny because it it contradicts Her previous demand like you guys said Of defunding the police and their chance Of acab which I probably won't say on Live television right all cops are you Know and I won't have to say that last Part so it's kind of funny because that Literally contradicts their previous Demands of defunding the police and Abolishing the police so it's it's it's Funny and I mean it's crazy if people Want to know the truth Justin I'm sorry You have to deal with this unfortunately This isn't like one of those schools Like Colombia where they're going to get Graduation in a couple of days to Basically end all this you're on the Trimester you got to deal with weeks More of this you guys don't graduate Until June so I'm sorry you have to deal With this it looks like there's no end

In sight at least for a while Justin Choy best of luck stay safe I'm Steve Duy I'm Brian Kil me and I'm Angley aart And click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest Interviews and most compelling analysis

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