A Very Confused Biden Gets Fact Checked By Little Girl After Forgetting One Of His Own Grandkids

A Very Confused Biden Gets Fact Checked By Little Girl After Forgetting One Of His Own Grandkids

Comments made on 4/27/23.

Anybody else have any questions yes baby What do you have oh My name's Amelia and Um Um Grandsons or granddaughters we're okay Her name is Amelia she wants to know Where my granddaughters are One granddaughter lives in in Pennsylvania In Philadelphia One granddaughter lives in New York One granddaughter lives in Washington One granddaughter lives in Wilmington Delaware And the other grandsons my my grandson Lives in California that I left somebody Out didn't I anyway Philadelphia Wilmington and I did say five you're right so let me See I got one in New York Two in Philadelphia There's a three no three because I got One granddaughter who is I don't know You're confusing me but they're all Around Wilmington California New York and Philadelphia the cities They live in

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About the Author: Roaldo

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