“Border Czar” Kamala Harris Falsely Claims She And Biden Are Focused On Addressing Border Crisis

"Border Czar" Kamala Harris Falsely Claims She And Biden Are Focused On Addressing Border Crisis

Comments made on 1/24/24

68% of Americans disapprove the way the Bid Administration has handled the Border so how do you address that have You done Enough our there's no question our Immigration system is Broken and it needs to be fixed and as With any problem then leaders will Participate true leaders in the Solution so I'm going to take you back To about 3 years ago and it was I think The day after our inauguration when we Came in Joe Biden as president and me as Vice president the first bill that we Offered was a bill to fix the Immigration system and that's when you Controlled both houses and Congress did Not take it up

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About the Author: Roaldo

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