Budget Dir. Shalanda Young Does Not Deny Biden Considering “Raising The Debt Ceiling Unilaterally”

Budget Dir. Shalanda Young Does Not Deny Biden Considering "Raising The Debt Ceiling Unilaterally"

Comments made on 4/23/23.

Can you confirm reporting in the Washington Post this morning that there Have been discussions in the White House About the possibility of raising the Debt ceiling unilaterally unilaterally How could the president do that so Jonathan we have a long record and we've Spoken to this uh several times we Believe and Congress has to do its Constitutional Duty and avoid default in This country we've always paid our bills We're a country who pays our bills that Is a responsible thing to do Congress in A bipartisan way did it three times for The last president and they need to do It again

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About the Author: Roaldo

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