D.C. Student Stands Up Against Leftist Mob FOR Safety on Campus #Shorts

D.C. Student Stands Up Against Leftist Mob FOR Safety on Campus #Shorts

“There is high crime… it just makes sense for the police to have guns. I thought they had guns this entire time.”

📺 WATCH: During a protest at one of D.C.’s largest universities AGAINST arming police officers, one student stands FOR protecting students on campus.

You don't stop bullets with bullets this Isn't going to protect the students so We're here at George Washington University my alma mater asking students What they think about a recent University decision to arm 20 officers On campus this upcoming fall seems like There's a lot of people here But I would reckon that at least half of The student body would actually be Perfectly fine with gwpdf and guns yeah So I didn't even know that they didn't Have guns I thought they had guns into This entire time otherwise what can they Really do if someone leaving a knife you Know you're gonna put the police officer In risk of getting armed too if he Doesn't have a gun you just hear a bunch Of buzzwords here about imperialism Imperialism Nothing to do with what they're talking About and we are in you know an urban Area in a city so there is a high crime There's High homelessness there's High Rates of you know criminal activity it Just makes sense for the police to have Guns I don't see I thought they had them I'm surprised that they didn't

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About the Author: Roaldo


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