Dem Rep Pete Aguilar: Dem Objections To Israel Exactly The Same As Opposing Blank Check For Ukraine

Dem Rep Pete Aguilar: Dem Objections To Israel Exactly The Same As Opposing Blank Check For Ukraine

Comments made on 11/2/23

There are some members of your caucus Who have felt differently about Israel Uh have been critical of Israel um Alexandri Casio Cortez spoken very Stark Terms about Apec yesterday can you kind Of characterize this sism among some Democrats when it comes to this Israeli Policy right now and what that means for The party where you have this this Breakdown I think I think members um are Going to have different um perspectives On this and I think that that's fair and I think that's um and I think that's Part of legislating we come from Different regions uh we're influenced by Different constituents um there are Members on the other side of the aisle Who have said no never for Ukraine Assistance too so I hope Chad you asked The them those questions too that the Wide Schism among House Republicans on Aid to Ukraine

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About the Author: Roaldo

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