Father Paul Scalia Scalia Delivers Moving Invocation at #Heritage50

Father Paul Scalia Scalia Delivers Moving Invocation at #Heritage50

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Snell bow our heads in prayer and ask The Lord's blessing upon our time Together here God of history and judge of Nations Lawgiver and Lord who guide and govern All according to your perfect design Who created man and woman in your image And likeness Who set us over your creation to bring It to your glory to participate in your Governance and to shape Society in Accordance with your truth You who have imbued us with unalienable Rights that we may serve you in Freedom Who raise up the lowly and bring down The haughty and proud Who have gathered us here this evening To give thanks For the good work you have strengthened Us to do We ask your blessing upon us now Conscious that unless you build the House those who build it labor in vain And unless you watch over the city we Keep vigil in vain We ask you first to grant us That Holy fear To Revere the dignity responsibility and Freedom you have entrusted to us Purify our hearts To labor with malice toward none with Charity for all Grant us firmness in the right as you Yourself give us to see the right

Bless our nation for whose good we Strive Grant her both strength and humility And a renewal in that ordered Liberty That is her foundation and goal Finally be with us in this time of Thanksgiving and joy to bring Grace to Our conversations to our friendships old And new Mindful of those who go without we ask Your blessing on the food we receive That it strengthen us to serve you and Our neighbor We pray all this as you live and Reign Forever and ever amen

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About the Author: Roaldo

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