Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on the Media’s Disregard of What’s Going on at the Southern Border

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on the Media's Disregard of What's Going on at the Southern Border

“The only time I really saw [the media] get concerned about the border and about illegal immigration was when we had 50 illegal aliens show up in Martha’s Vineyard.” – @GovRonDeSantis at #Heritage50

In Florida we've been on offense against Illegal immigration we've banned Sanctuary cities in our state we Actually work with the Coast Guard in Near the Florida keys because they try To run boats into Florida from Haiti and Cuba and other places and so we've Supplemented Coast Guard operations at My direction we've now repatriated over 11 000 illegal aliens since August alone Back to Haiti back to Cuba and now the Boats are coming basically at a trickle Because isn't it amazing when they know You're going to enforce the law they Don't even try to come like they're Doing now at the southern border The thing that bugs me You don't even hear about this from most Media organizations in fact the only Time I really saw them get concerned About the border and about illegal Immigration was when we had 50 illegal Aliens show up in Martha's Vineyard

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About the Author: Roaldo

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