Former Border Chief Gives 🔥 Take on Crisis

Former Border Chief Gives 🔥 Take on Crisis

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For the First Time In Our Lifetime we've Had a secretary of a large major Department come in and see his role as One where he can just simply wave which Loss he likes and which laws he doesn't Like he's actually directed his own men And women that have statutory Responsible for him forcing the laws to Not enforce them and he believes he can Actually create new laws outside of Congress he's abused his power he's Abused his authority and he's eroded The Public's trust within the government They've transformed from a enforcement Agency only to secure our nation's Border to one now of a processing Enterprise part of their Duty now is to Get better and more effective at Literally processing illegal aliens and Releasing the interior of the United States as fast as they can this is not About politics or difference of policies This is about a secretary that has lied To the American people has lied to Congress and he's presided over the Worst border security crisis in our Lifetime

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About the Author: Roaldo

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