Karine Jean Pierre Says “Here At The White House We Very Often Use [TikTok] Influencers”

Karine Jean Pierre Says “Here At The White House We Very Often Use [TikTok] Influencers”

Comments made on 4/11/23.

Story about the White House possibly Creating a new briefing room for social Media influencers and I am curious Whether that is real and I wonder why You would be curious interested interest In protecting the rights of the press Corpses of the press Corps I will say so Look um don't don't have anything to Announce on that or anything to share on That or confirm or anything like that as You know we uh here at the White House We met very often use influencers to try To try to meet Americans where they are We've seen those reportings I just don't Have anything to share on that so There's any I mean I just there's I can't confirm Those stories they just can't confirm or Say all I can tell you is something that We do all the time from the president on Down is talk to influenza and try to Meet the American people where they are To reach them in a different way but Yeah but that talking to them is Different than yeah That is not that is not in the words Okay but what I'm saying is we do talk To them uh uh you know different Influencers as you know as you've seen Over the last two years and also during The campaign just for trying to meet Americans where they are

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