NYC Detectives’ Endowment Association President Slams Far-Left Prosecutors For Not Upholding The Law

NYC Detectives' Endowment Association President Slams Far-Left Prosecutors For Not Upholding The Law

Comments made on 4/17/23.

District attorney Bragg took an oath To uphold the law and not to downgrade Crimes that have an effect on victims of New York City The the the Detective's endowment Association Has been saying this for three years now That a lot of the laws that have been Enacted here in New York City and New York state are counterproductive to the Safety of the people of New York City The bail reform was That there is a direct correlation for When the bail reform laws were enacted To day one to the uptick in violent Crimes across New York City Shootings have increased gun violence Has increased Illegal guns coming into New York City Has increased dramatically But we talk about the seven Majors the Felony crimes that are affecting people In New York City But as important As those felony crimes that that are Violating the people across the city On many low-level crimes that are not Even being addressed That affect the victims for many many Years to come Sexually related crimes on the Subways And throughout the city streets Are increasing assaults on police Officers are increasing

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About the Author: Roaldo


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