Rep. John James: Joe Biden’s Energy Plan Works If There Is “Pain At The Pump” For Americans

Rep. John James: Joe Biden’s Energy Plan Works If There Is “Pain At The Pump” For Americans

Comments made on 4/6/23.

Make no mistake Your pain is Joe Biden's plan yeah Joe Biden's Green New Deal Edition Initiative only works it only works if You have pain at the pump if you if you Have to see three and four and five Dollar gas at the pump but it's okay Because he can use America's strategic Oil Reserve to win elections that's not What it was meant for I went to the Previous administration we were north of 600 million Barrels in strategic oil Reserves now we're below 400. and guess What what makes matters even worse while Gas prices are creeping up is going to Be a hard time to actually buy back our Strategic oil reserves so we're secure Here at home

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About the Author: Roaldo

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