Reporter Asks Kirby: “Why Are You Guys Making It Easier For People To Enter The Country Illegally?”

Reporter Asks Kirby: "Why Are You Guys Making It Easier For People To Enter The Country Illegally?"

Comments made on 1/23/24

Why are you guys making it easier for People to enter the country Illegally I don't believe we are why do You think we are well you guys sued to Cut razor wire that was put in place by Texas officials so that the Border P Control could actually do their jobs but Keep going well you won in court so now What the board of Patrol Union president Is saying the Supreme Court's decision Is going to undoubtedly encourage more Illegal immigration do you guys know Better than the border patrol Union the Border patrol needed access and that's Why we sued to get rid of that uh razor Wire so that they could do their jobs And you know what would also help them Do their jobs Peter more border patrol Agents there's an idea and if you go Back to the supplementary requests that We put in there's money in there for Some, 1300 additional border patrol Agents we want to help them do their Jobs we want to give them more resources And the answer we kept get keep getting Back from House Republicans is no no no

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About the Author: Roaldo

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