Republican Rep. Brian Mast: Biden Administration Refuses To Back Speaker McCarthy Against China

Republican Rep. Brian Mast: Biden Administration Refuses To Back Speaker McCarthy Against China

Comments made on 4/6/23

Look at the way that we are dependent Upon resources semiconductors other Things coming out of Taiwan the way that This is a disputed territory the way That China is saying this is a red line And even when speaker McCarthy steps up To the microphone and says listen China You don't get to tell me who I speak to Where I speak to them when I speak to Them I am the speaker of the the House Of Representatives he's not getting Backed up by the administration by the White House they should be saying no you Should take this very seriously China This is an escalating situation we see This as a red line and we are going to Back Taiwan but you see backing away From the White House and I don't think That's what we want

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About the Author: Roaldo

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