Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Republicans Have A Plan On The Debt Limit While Biden Refuses Negotiations

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Republicans Have A Plan On The Debt Limit While Biden Refuses Negotiations

Comments made on 4/17/23.

Well look 75 days ago February 1st I sat Down with this president And I sat down to him and I said let's Work together to be able to deal with The debt ceiling in our economy at the Same time it's the same thing that we've Done all in the past as you've mentioned And for 75 days he's ignored us I wanted To find a responsible sensible way to do This my message upstairs is if the President won't pay attention this if he Doesn't believe that you can find one Dollar in savings Republicans in the Next couple weeks will act and send a Debt ceiling increase that will limit Save and grow that will Help us on economics growth in this Country will cap spending in the future We'll pull back claw back the money we Appropriated for covid but had sat Dormant for two years if it was Appropriate to help you during covet and You haven't spent it it shouldn't be Spent afterwards so find the ways we can Save the taxpayer money find a way that We can grow this economy become less Dependent upon China curb our spending In the future so we can curb inflation To help every family and I think that's Sensible and responsible and we'd move The debt ceiling into the next year if The president doesn't want to take Action we'll send this over to the Senate but

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About the Author: Roaldo

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