Speaker Kevin McCarthy: The Government Has A SPENDING Problem, Not A REVENUE Problem

Speaker Kevin McCarthy: The Government Has A SPENDING Problem, Not A REVENUE Problem

Comments made on 4/17/23.

And you know how much we're bringing in In revenue on average in the 50-year Average in America you bring 17 of GDP Today we're bringing 20. that's the only Two other times in modern history in America have you ever brought 20 of GDP That's because the tax cuts actually Created economy to grow and brought more Revenue into the economy but the problem Is not amount of much money we're Bringing in where the president just Wants to raise more taxes it's our Spending on 50-year average we normally Only spend 21 percent of GDP right now We're spending 23.6 on our way to 25. so If you don't tackle the spending problem You're never and if you if you ignore This problem and you just raised the Debt ceiling our debt is now 31 trillion Dollars it's bigger than our entire Economy by 20 percent you're at a Tipping Point so all you're going to do Is cause more inflation

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