The danger of #algorithms to Americans according to Attorney General Weiser

The danger of #algorithms to Americans according to Attorney General Weiser

Attorney General Phil Weiser talks about the algorithm’s goals of engagement and his view of how it can lead to dangerous situations

The platform and its algorithms are Directly suggesting encouraging Dangerous Behavior it doesn't Necessarily mean that the platforms are Willfully trying to harm people the Algorithm can be automated machine Learning and what the algorithm May Teach itself is that users who think About losing weight also might be Vulnerable to self harm or bulimia or to Take their own lives and if you give Them the content of their darkest Thoughts they will be engaged for longer And the goal the a is keep people Engaged to the extent the companies know That is Happening and are doing nothing shame on Them what I would say is the worst form Of capitalism is when a company says I Can make Money and I'll be hurting people but I'm Looking the other way

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About the Author: Roaldo

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