The Federal Government Has a SPENDING Problem – Senator Mike Lee

The Federal Government Has a SPENDING Problem - Senator Mike Lee

Sen. Mike Lee nails it: “The federal government spends more than every state in the entire country combined, THAT is a problem.”


This careful balance of power between The three branches and between the Federal power and the state power Remained in Balance really until the Mid-1930s And it worked really well it ushered in The longest most sustained most Remarkable most unforeseen peacetime Economic expansion Perhaps in the world's history But it started to change in the Mid-1930s During Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal Program you see prior to the New Deal The collective expenditures of the States Had always exceeded the expenditure of The federal government at least with the Sole exception of a couple of wartime Contexts in which other things became Necessary and then returned to normal Era it has all All waned the case Government spends In the entire country combined That is a problem and it's never been Restored since then

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About the Author: Roaldo

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