Washington C-SPAN Caller On Biden Re-Election Campaign: “God Have Mercy On Us! We Need A New Leader”

Washington C-SPAN Caller On Biden Re-Election Campaign: "God Have Mercy On Us! We Need A New Leader"

Comments made on 4/22/23.

Thank you for taking my call God have Mercy on us we need a new leader okay You can tell that President Biden they Should uh you know retire for good Look at what's happening to this country Now he's uh you know I heard of the news That he's creating more that great you Know those people have bad credits are Getting more you know Priority that you they cannot pay They're gonna have to get more loan but The heck is going on So I really and that guy from Minnesota He went to one of the squad to you know Run Place of Mercy on us all so prison Biden should retire and they should Enjoy the you know remaining of his life All right Susan

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About the Author: Roaldo

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