Biden admin didn’t mention key details in Afghanistan report: Col. Douglas | Brian Kilmeade Show

Biden admin didn't mention key details in Afghanistan report: Col. Douglas | Brian Kilmeade Show

Retired Col. Chris Douglas, who helped write the classified report on the Afghanistan withdrawal, joined The Brian Kilmeade Show to point out his issues with the unclassified report released by the Biden Administration. #foxnews

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Colonel Chris Douglas of the Marines as A lieutenant colonel colonel it's Colonel so you when I met you lieutenant Colonel when I met you I was a Lieutenant colonel I had just got back From uh from Afghanistan and then uh Then you went to Iraq and then I went to Iraq and then I went back to Afghanistan Right so retired as a colonel Notification not to vacation no so they They just when you're about to retire uh Uh Colonel they say hey we need you so And we need you in uh in in Qatar Because that's where we're going to be Evacuating those who are lucky enough to Get in these cargo Jets I need you to Screen people because we're leaving Afghanistan could you bring us through That time yeah so I was hitting uh 30 Years mandatory service which is uh Required for us to retire at that point As Marine officers uh my boss had asked If I would remain because of my Experience with Afghanistan and uh and For the potential that if he went Forward as a three-star headquarters you Know we wanted to you know we wanted to Work together that said Um you know the decision was made for Him to retire and not to go forward I Went forward to Qatar you know with you Know although I wanted to go forward to Afghanistan and um General McKenzie had Seen the chaos that was coming out of

Afghanistan and made the decision to put A Marine Corps uh evacuation Coordination Center Um that you know one of the things Marines do in uh non-combatant Evacuations is the this team Works to Process evacuees and so that was the the Team that myself and another Marine from My team in Marine Central Command went Forward and worked the coordination with Uh you know the Joint Force units that Were there so what I watched yesterday Must have driven you nuts because after It was all said and done you were part Of a team an Asen team are our army Central Community arson I'm trying to Get the names down uh arson community so Yours Marine helping out Army to Evaluate what went wrong afterwards you Guys wrote a pretty extensive report 150 Pages barring some pictures maybe a Little bit more right with a number of Enclosures so you have you know what Happened as much as anybody in the Country from what you have studied and Witnessed was that anything like what Was talked about yesterday and what's Been released to the general public in 12 Pages no Brian I mean the Unclassified report that was released And was is available on the Central Command webpage that frankly Dan lamoff And some others did some great Research Into that you know that's kind of fallen

Off the radar uh no this is you know This is completely in contrary to some Of the information that came out of it Essentially it's Trump's fault they gave Us a plan it's impossible to work with They had a Doha meeting they let some Prisoners out of back diagram so we had To really get at this timeline and we Would have been back at war is that Accurate I don't I don't believe that Brian and so you know I'm going to Paraphrase something that you had said Earlier which is Um you know you can delegate Responsibility but you can't delegate Accountability I mean the Trump Administration's you know gone and so They you know while they had set the Conditions you know that you know one May was the the you know expected Withdrawal date that's what Mike Pompeo Tells me it's always conditions based Conditions based is is exactly right and So I believe it was uh you know General Four-star general so uh Special Operations Commander uh General Rich Clark who testified that hey the Taliban Are not meeting the conditions of the Agreement I mean you know there's a There's a warrior who there said hey It's this is not happening you can't get Be any more clearer than that in a Conditions-based withdrawal when you Have a senior leader of that magnitude

Who says not happening and general Kenzie was pretty clear in that as well Do you think that has anything to do With white General was it General Miller Either Potential Miller left the scene because He was in charge wasn't he he wasn't Charging I mean when you talk you know You know absolute leader understanding Of Afghanistan and you know I I would I Would love to uh to get his perspective Because of the uh the respect I have for Him and the amount of knowledge he has We lost 13 guys a couple dozen wounded 170 minimum Afghans blown to me Smithereens at Abbey gate because we Decided we only want to have the airport We didn't want Kabul we were asked by The Taliban leaders who said no we're Not going to do that didn't feel we had The forces but just as a civilian when You could put seven thousand to ten Thousand people in in a few days I Imagine we could have taken the capital But it looks like the Army collapsed in Gahani left with a lot of our money by The way so here's a little about what John Kirby was saying yesterday cut Three and so for all this talk of chaos I just didn't see it not from my purse At one point during the evacuation there Was an aircraft taking off full of People Americans and Afghans alike every 48 minutes and not one single mission

Was missed so I'm sorry I just won't buy The whole argument of chaos it was tough In the first few hours you would expect It to be there was nobody at the airport And certainly no Americans it took time To get in there this is he's you're Laughing but is he serious is he serious But you see this video it defines chaos Brian I'm laughing because I want to cry Um and and I mean that in a manly sense But the you know the reality of it is There's zero mention of Afghans falling Off of uh c-17s or being trapped in the Wheel wells it requires the air crew to Scrape them out just uh horrific uh upon There what about the perimeter of the Airport Um so the perimeter of the airport is as We know from the investigation Um there you know the the airport was Breached by evacuees you had uh there's Zero mention in that as well of the uh The engagements with with the Taliban And in some cases likely unknown but uh But Isis Fighters until General McKenzie Makes the makes the deal with the Taliban of hey look you know this isn't Happening we're uh you know we're going To coordinate with the the security You're going to establish security Around we're going to clear the Airfield And and so the the reality of it is is You have a combat operations center that That has uh all the the key leaders the

Key leadership all had to vacate doing Command and control to get out to assist Pushing Afghans because they were Overrun there were more evacuees than There were service members to keep them Off the Airfield So But don't worry you're guarded by the Taliban they provided your security Think about that for a minute I mean how Did that make sense you didn't have Enough they felt to hold Cobble because You had so they said let's just have the Taliban watch the airport take over Cobble and so that was a huge paradigm Shift for me Brian because you know as You know I'd I'd been an advisor in Afghanistan twice for the first hey We're leaving Afghanistan in 2014 that Was supported by the Vice President and The president at that time the vice President being president Um Biden or VP Biden and then in uh 2018 When we had to go back for that and so The paradigm shift for me was how is it That we have the Taliban providing Security and the reality of it is we had To now here's the problem though is what The what the Taliban needed was clear And concise Um instructions so that we can let these People through General McKenzie's Guidance was was frankly was pretty Clear he said every everybody that comes

Into the airport will be screened by a Member of the Taliban um you know Knowing that there was a the potential For a threat where was the state Department so that's that that as we saw In the investigation so there were Members that rotated through so you've Got marines that are providing security And they're ultimately looking for you Know passport holders and they'd come up And they would uh and this is all from The investigation they were the members Of the state department you know and not The same people every time but in small Numbers would come up basically during Working hours Um although Marines are working and Armed Soldiers with the 82nd and the Airmen and sailors are working 24 hours A day the state department Representatives have come up and they Would uh hey we're taking Um just U.S passport holders now we're Taking green card and somebody else has Said green cards somebody else to say Embassy Personnel somebody else would Say you know special immigrant visas Here's the problem each time that Requires coordination with a member of The Taliban who's on the outside and so You've got somebody with uh you know With uh you know with a limited Education these are the guys you've been Fighting for 20 years right the guys

Have been fighting for 20 years that are A little frustrated 20 minutes you're Now dealing with that we're here and uh And so you know they the the the service Members that are surrounding the Airfield through the the great work of You know I'm going to say the Coordination through uh General McKenzie General Donahue and and others to Establish this this really this working Relationship they're getting screened by These members but now because of the Changing requirements to allow people in You've got those same people having to Go to the Taliban and say hey now we're Going to allow these people in and and Finally they get to the point where They're like I don't care if you're George effing Bush you're not we're not Letting anybody in but you were getting Calls from the White House and VIPs to Let certain people in so as a course of The interview what we found was at all Levels the uh the amount of pressure and Significant pressure Um coming from the the president the First lady in some cases representatives Of the Pope elected officials you know General Pope yeah the Pope the pope Um a representative for the pope called And explained uh the importance of Getting a specific group of individuals Out and so you know with criteria Changing criteria like that in VIP

Requests pouring in VIP request pouring In so you know volatile uncertain and Chaotic and ambiguous circumstances now You've got this and then you've got uh Mr Kirby talking about hey Force Protection was the uh was the Commander's priority let's be let's be Perfectly clear when you've got that Much pressure and that much input and That many phone calls you you know you Uh you it's taken up a lot of your time And this is what I want to think we're Going to take come back so we have a Decent side segment on the other side Once the evaction has been initiated Present Biden repeatedly gave the clear Direction to prioritize Force protection And basically what he keeps saying Yesterday is this was the plan that was Left we had no choice but to leave and Do the Trump plan since the Doha Agreement was in place I'm going to ask Uh I'm gonna see if if Colonel Douglas's Investigation reveals that that was Indeed the facts this is the Brian Kilmeade show don't move I won't share My personal recommendation present but I Will give you my honest opinion and my Honest opinion and view shaped my Recommendation I recommended that we Maintain 2 500 troops in Afghanistan and I also recommended earlier in the fall Of 2020 that we maintained four thousand Five hundred of that time those are my

Personal views I also have a view that The withdrawal of those forces would Lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually The Afghan government So the president was uh according to his Spokesperson Admiral Kirby was never Told that was never told that the Afghan Army would collapse uh if we pulled out That occurred that according to the 12-page summary of what's supposed to be An extensive report on everything that Went wrong in Afghanistan with me right Now is a guy that studied all this he Was part of a task force of under 10 People to put together a comprehensive Look at everything that took place and Went wrong in the in the aftermath and Leading up to uh the leaving Afghanistan It is uh Colonel uh Chris Douglas now Retired who spent a lot of that time in Qatar processing people seeing all the Problems was was Mackenzie true to his Word was that his recommendation from Your research so that research so our Research didn't cover that that wasn't Part of the scope of the investigation But what I can't tell you is this Because that was a marine Central Command which is subordinate to Central Command I I know that you know I know That you know in uh Indirectly and kind of directly from the Meetings that uh that that was General

McKenzie's View So he said the president say never got Advice that said that was going to Happen that means Mackenzie Millie and Austin are all lying in close testimony He's never been called to count to this How how could the president said nobody Briefed him on that from what you know Is it possible the military didn't tell Him this could happen all right yeah There's no way it's there's no way it's Possible I mean you know what was coming Back and and I mean Brian let's look Back to 2014. I mean where you would you Know you'd give a report about the Effectiveness of the Afghan Security Forces you say they're effective with Advisors there's a difference between Being effective that means operate on Their own effective with advisors that Means they need some sort of stability And support there in order to execute Operations So I I got to tell you what we left Behind is so sickening seven billion Dollars worth of weapons and equipment Uh we know this 23 825 Humvees with gun Variants on them 900 combat Vehicles we Also left him I did not know this 250 000 automatic rifles 95 drones and more Than a million mortar rounds that Require little training to use here's John Kirby he knows exactly who to play Him cut five do not underestimate the

Effect of that Doha agreement had on the Morale and the uh The willingness to fight on The Afghan National Security and Defense Forces it It had it had a very corrosive effect on Their willingness to continue to fight For their country now we didn't see that We didn't see that and part of the Reason we didn't see that is because we Couldn't see the plans the the previous Administration allegedly worked on During the transition no as I said my Opening statement none of those plans Were forthcoming and ghani came to the White House and asked for just leave the Contractors no no no no he says he Didn't see it your thoughts on his Conclusion I I I it just blows my mind That that's you know that goes back into The uh accountability and responsibility Like you know okay so the previous Administration didn't leave you a plan Well DOD was doing planning and by their Own admission you know the state Department it's it's not like they would Have just picked up planning at that Point like I you know I I And even if there was no plan okay well You own it at that point why would you Leave without a plan and so in his own In his own discussion going back to when He was uh running for president he Talked about Iraq and how it would take A year to leave a rock

Um you know the U.S forces and an Earlier run in an earlier run for President and how if we left all the Weapons and equipment which would you Know our grandkid children would pay for Um that that would uh that would take Seven months but that would be bad Because we'd be you know our grandkids Would see those weapons now that said How is it that he forgot that this many Years later evidently General Keane said He knows people that they're there he Was the smartest one in the room he was Uh he was uh upping all the military People that were trying to tell him Stuff he never trusts the military and And now he's he's saying you never Advised me how bad it would be thanks For your service Colonel Douglas I'll See you on one nation Saturday at eight Looking forward to it Hi everyone I'm Brian Kilmeade I want You to do me a favor I want you to click To subscribe to the Fox News YouTube Page this is the only way that I know For sure that you're not going to miss Any great commentary any great news Bites any great interviews coming your Way on Fox you can get it all here on YouTube so subscribe right now

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