BORDER CRISIS: In TX, Illegal Alien Smugglers Are Throwing Rocks At Drones And Embedding With Hikers

BORDER CRISIS: In TX, Illegal Alien Smugglers Are Throwing Rocks At Drones And Embedding With Hikers

Reported on 4/15/24.

A drone from our Fox News Flight Team Caught a group of Scouts on one of the Mountaintops uh up here the uh the Scouts clearly didn't like the drone Spying on them you could tell by the way They threw rocks at it and the scouts Were keeping an eye on law enforcement Down below at the same time we found a Group of about 12 young men up in the Mountains scrambling around on the Hiking trails up there waiting for their Moment to come down to the US side uh The catch is recreational hikers and Smugglers are using the same hiking Trails Thought it was pretty unsafe I mean they Just come like as they please you know We need more we need more people out Here to Defend now the young men up there were Waiting for the uh rides on the US side As soon as the cars pulled up into a Parking lot at the base of the mountain They scrambled down loaded up and made a Break for it

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About the Author: Roaldo

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