Democrat Senator Chris Murphy Unable To Detail Why It Took Biden 3+ Years To Act On Border Crisis

Democrat Senator Chris Murphy Unable To Detail Why It Took Biden 3+ Years To Act On Border Crisis

Comments made on 3/3/24

Why did it take so long uh for the President to address uh this this crisis At the Border in terms of the flow of Migrants well I don't know that that's Fair um in the first week that the President was in office he sent to Congress a comprehensive immigration and Border Reform Bill but wait a minute That that bill was to provide a path to Citizenship for the 11 million Undocumented Citizens residents here in the country It was not a border security bill it was A an immigration no it was also an Asylum Reform Bill right and reforming The Asylum system it didn't it didn't Tighten the Asylum rul the way years Changes the calculus for people coming Into the country and the president Instituted a very tough new regulation That does stop people at the border does Change the Asylum calculation

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About the Author: Roaldo

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