DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Refuses To Grade Biden Admin’s Failing Border Security Efforts

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Refuses To Grade Biden Admin’s Failing Border Security Efforts

Comments made on 4/18/23.

Give your give us a grade How are we in terms of securing our Border our Southern border first how is It an A B C D E or F in terms of the Security of America's Southern border is It an A or an F where do you grade it uh The senator I'm looking for a letter Senator it's not so um sure it is we we Know how many people are coming across Are we doing a great job or is it like Still failing um Senator the issue of Addressing the root causes is not Exclusive I have a question which is can you grade How secure our Southern border is an A Through an F Senator we are dedicating Our resources to achieve the maximum Possible effect of them Is are we succeeding is it an A or is it B a d where are we in terms of the Number of people coming across the Border for instance we have gaps in a Wall it's like why why would you want to Just complete the wall for Pete's sakes Okay complete the fencing and make sure That we're in every way we can securing It at least physically as well as the Other sources that we have but but are You you're not willing to give it a Grade I mean I am it's an F it's clearly An F

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About the Author: Roaldo

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