John Kerry: People Will Soon “See Their…Crops Ripped Away Or Their Homes Destroyed” Due To Climate

John Kerry: People Will Soon “See Their...Crops Ripped Away Or Their Homes Destroyed” Due To Climate

Comments made on 4/23/23.

In a recent NBC poll from August voters Ran climate change as the fifth most Important issue can you make the case For it being number one it's getting Hotter there are going to be more Intensive weather events and it will Cost us an awful lot more money so as That happens as people see their Farms You know the crops ripped away or their Homes destroyed you watch the pressure Grow and I believe we're in a Transformational moment I think this Will be one of if not the but it'll be One of the top three issues in the 24 Presidential election no question in my Mind

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About the Author: Roaldo

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