Kirby Reacts To Repeated Pro Hamas Protests During Biden Speech Strong Feelings Here On All Sides

Kirby Reacts To Repeated Pro Hamas Protests During Biden Speech Strong Feelings Here On All Sides

Comments made on 1/24/24

Yesterday the president's speech was Interrupted by multiple protesters uh Calling for a ceasefire now um we've Seen these kind of interruptions at at Various events um but we're also seeing Increased polling among the American Public that is clamoring for a ceasefire Is the president um you know is his Perspective on this changing at all Given the daily mounting casualty toll Is he starting to re think whether it Might be prudent to to ask for a halt in In the fighting and Beyond just the Pause I would remind that since a very Early going in this conflict we have Been urging our Israeli counterparts to Be careful and precise we have talked About um the civilian casualties and and How we don't want to see anym we have uh Urged them to take uh different actions And they have resp responded to that uh Advice and counsel he understands that There are strong feelings here on all Sides uh as as you would expect

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About the Author: Roaldo

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