The Father Of Marine Killed In Kabul Attack Calls Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal Report “Insulting”

The Father Of Marine Killed In Kabul Attack Calls Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal Report “Insulting”

CBS News reported on Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal on 4/7/23

The summary is a snapshot of two Classified reports submitted Thursday to Congress following a subpoena threat From Republican Congressman Michael McCall Foreign Affairs committee chair We need to get answers and Accountability to the American people The veterans and the Gold Star Mothers We've got veterans that deserve a hell Of a lot more of the truth Lance Corporal Jared Schmidt died in the Suicide bombing his father said the 12-page summary is an insult you're the President of the United States the buck Stops with you it's your responsibility Stop making excuses The long delayed White House release Happened on the cusp of a holiday Weekend and there are no plans to make Public the classified details given to Congress Nate Margaret was there anything missing from The summary yes notably absent and Internal State Department cable from July that warns the Taliban was making Rapid territorial gains and recommending That the evacuation be sped up and there Is also no mention of General McKenzie's Dissent nor any from the military

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About the Author: Roaldo


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