Judge tells Stormy Daniels to cut back on details in Trump trial: ‘Irrelevant’

Judge tells Stormy Daniels to cut back on details in Trump trial: 'Irrelevant'

The ‘Outnumbered’ panel discussed their reaction to the latest news emerging from the Manhattan courtroom as Stormy Daniels takes the witness stand in Trump’s criminal trial. #FoxNews

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Here's what's going on right now in Former president Trump's New York Criminal trial No cameras in there so we Do a SE a couple of things for you here On Fox you see the Box on the right of Your screen with a lot of information That is contemporaneous to either what We're reporting here or exactly what's Going on in the courtroom uh we give Analysis we give the facts all of it Right here on Fox so stay tuned sex film Worker Stormy Daniels has been on the Witness stand for a couple of hours now Uh except for one short break that they Have taken they haven't taken a break For lunch yet so she's still talking and At one point the the judge admonished The prosecution I don't know how much he Meant it and not to go too far and wide And let too much detail get into the Case this woman is testifying like she Paid for the microphone anyway Daniels Has been recalling her alleged encounter With the former president inside of a Lake Tahoe hotel room 18 years ago with A lot of detail she she describes all Sorts of things that were going on with Her and with him and she was staring at The ceiling and blah blah blah blah blah She says when she put her shoes on According to her after it allegedly had Happened and it was over she was so Nervous her hands were shaking she's a Sex film worker she gets paid to have

Sex on TV or only fans or whatever it is Her deal now movies only fans whatever Media she's choosing just to put it into Context that's what this woman has in Her past and according to her only fans In her present so the defenses claim That too many details are being let in Is relevant so we'll see what happens Now that the judg has said it the Defense attorneys have said it I want to Bring in criminal defense attorney Brian Claypool so Donald Trump is sitting There what would you do as a defense Attorney with that going On hey Harris great to see you again Without question I would be objecting on The record to all of these questions Regarding details of this alleged Affair Between former president Trump and Stormy Daniels I don't care what the Judge says Trump's lawyers should say we Want to make a record right so just so Your viewers know that there needs to be A record made of every objection to this Questioning for an appet Court then to Go look at that record and see these Objections and during breaks you know What else I would be doing I'd be Calling a conference with the judge Outside the presidency of the jury and I'd argue that all of this testimony is Irrelevant all of this testimony is Prejudicial and and here's there there's An Evidence code section out here in

California 352 we argue it all the time What does that mean that means that even If a piece of evidence is remotely Relevant it can be not led into court Before the jury because it's prejudicial This judge should be making that Analysis and should not be allowing most If if not all of this testimony so uh There was some discussion here on the Couch about her being made out to be a Victim and and there's part of the uh The testimony via one of our journalists Inside the courtroom uh Daniels has Offered a few answers about her Continued contacts and meetings with Trump she she says she wanted to keep Prospects of apprentice alive so if There are any questions about this being Transactional she has told us that from The very beginning I don't know if Extortion is something that they can Work with I don't know what they can Work with on the defense side but but They certainly can work with the word Transactional if that matters not sure That that that's illegal in your state She has testified that she felt Comfortable meeting with Trump in public Spaces because it would be safe what is She doing here at one point she said When the sex was over that she alleged When the sex act that she alleged was Over her memory went away she kind of Blacked out she got dizzy and but no she

Wasn't drugged she said she's bringing Things in and it makes her look like a Victim yeah Harris great point and and None of this has to do with the elements Of the alleged crime right and not only Is she trying to make herself look like A victim but look let's call call out What the prosecutors are doing if this Was purely illegal analysis of this case This testimony wouldn't be coming in and As of now Trump has is winning this Trial by a landslide but unfortunately We have prosecutors that don't really Care about relevant facts they don't Care about the fact that they can't Prove the law right so what they're Doing is they're they're making Stormy Daniels out as a victim and then even More important than that they are trying To characterize former president Trump As unsavory this guy's dirty look at What he's doing during his marriage Right to try to get this jury to vote at The end of this case based on a motion Based on we don't like this guy and what He did and that and that's what we call Uh you know it's it's like jur Interference and and it's really it's Really tragic Harris yeah look if if They're going to be nasty on one side is There room for the defense to say um What was this transactional how how many Men have you had transactional sex with How is this any different how many have

There been how many in the movies how Much I mean you could certainly show who She is because this jury like America is Smart and these prosecutors are treating Those people like they don't have a Brain in their Heads yeah that's that's that's your Exellent point what's the what's what's The cross-examination going to look at And guess what the prosecutors did they Opened up the door right to do exactly What you said they should now go into All of that because she opened up the Door how many times have you done done Adult films how many times have you had Sexual acts on TV you know talk about Her career how she hasn't done much in The last few years but look at the end Of the day here are the most important Questions that Trump's lawyers need to Get up and ask her I would ask her Point Blank have you ever talk to Trump about Falsifying a financial document do you Know anything about that she'll say no No end of Cross-examination wow uh you you you got A smile from Steve Hilton out here like Oh okay that was the Bingo win uh Brian Claypool always great to talk with you Appreciate your expertise and your time Thank you Kennedy thank you Brian number one the Judge sounds like a perv because he Wants her to talk in lure detail and

He's asking her to speak more slowly That's gross number two let's say that Let's say the transaction did take place I'm talking about the physical one her Being surprised that she was going to a Hotel room alone with a man to have body Congress is like Pete sis being Surprised at being invited to a tennis Court and you want to see his serve and Then he says you know I started shaking When I saw a tennis racket I didn't know What to do with it it's like Bro you've Won 17 majors and you know it's like It's this this woman saying that she Blacked out cuz she was so nervous as Like a surgeon saying he barfed at the Sight of blood it's a little hard to Believe it's very hard to believe Because that's what she got paid to do On film I mean it wasn't even like she Was used to doing it in the corners of Darkness she was having sex in front of Many cameras well lit Steve so this has To be the low point in this complete Fast agreed of a trial and this is the Day of all days that conclusively proves What Trump's been saying all along as You said kayy this clearly is because All our legal experts have confirmed Irrelevant nothing to do with the case In point it is designed to try and Damage trump it is clearly the case that This is now an election interference Fast and by the way let's remember who

Else has done this which other countries Have harnessed their judicial system Corruptly in this terrifying way that We're seeing now in America just within The last year Pakistan they did it in Pakistan to bring down Imran Khan when He's running for President Putin in Russia used the legal system to take his Opponent off the ballot that's the Company these Democrats Dem Ed with Their anti-trump rage Biden and brag and All of them that's the company they've Now put America in Pakistan and Putin's Russia and these are the people who Lecture us about democracy and the rule Of law it is absolutely disgusting yeah And then they let her lecture us about All sorts of todrey Things yeah you you know I think an Important thing happened here so stormmy Daniels was suggesting that she only Felt safe around Trump in public to your Point victimhood was the the theme And the judge struck that from testimony I mean that's in no Way but the jury already heard it and Carri kek who's in the courtroom said Imagine if you're a juror on this case And you are a female juror and you are Hearing these details you cannot get That out of your mind these jurors are Human uh and this is why stormmy Daniels Should not be on the stand yeah I still Think that that people are smarter than

The prosecution is giving them credit For maybe they'll prove me wrong but I Do hey everyone I'm Emily compano catch Me and my co-hosts Harris vulner and Kaye mechineni on outnumbered every Weekday at 12:00 p.m. Eastern or set Your DVR also don't forget to subscribe To the Fox News YouTube page for daily Highlights

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About the Author: Roaldo

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